Keeping up with modern home decor trends can feel like a never-ending endeavour. Like any trends, styles and fashions, they are constantly changing and evolving and it seems like every five or so years, everything that you have now is already out of date. Keeping up can feel really fruitless in a very cutthroat industry. One of the ways we as a window coverings company can suggest to help you keep up with the constant changes is through building a smart home

Let Technology Take Control

Rather than having things like coffee tables and area rugs define your interior design, let things like smart blinds speak for you. While technology is also evolving, the benefits they provide will remain and are often improved upon year by year. Things like convenience and energy efficiency stay and can actually improve as technology gets better. So rather than focusing on wall art and furniture to define your design, let things like automated roller shades do it for you.

Things like smart lights and smart thermostats not only increase your convenience but also increase your house’s value. You can operate them via voice control if you have them connected to smart speakers like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. You need to walk to them and operate them manually. For example, if you want to have your motorized blinds open or close, you can simply say to the speaker “open the living room blinds” and it will automatically do so.

Why Technology

Trends come and go. Something that is trendy today can look dated within five to ten years. It feels fruitless and expensive to try and keep up and even if you find thrifty ways to do so, the expenses can add up if you constantly have to make purchases every year. By instead focusing your efforts more on a technological home, you not only can let go of your worry about keeping up with trends, but you will in turn also build up your home’s curb appeal.

Furthermore, some of these technological items can also add to your decor, it need not be all computers and steel. Things like wood blinds can be motorized with a power supply and operated with technology. Not only will they add to the look of the rooms they populate, but they give you a level of comfort and convenience that regular manual blinds would not be able to.

Work Decor around your Smart Shades

Window coverings, especially ones with motors, are a more permanent feature of your home than items like area rugs and throw pillows. It makes to base how the rest of your house’s look around what you’ve placed on your windows. If you have wood blinds or faux wood blinds on your windows, you can complement them with a lot more wood decor like tables and armours. If you have something like roller shades or zebra shades, you can go for decor items more on the conservative side with fewer frills and more straight lines.

By working from the windows and walls in, you can base your interior decor on portions of your home which occupies a large surface area and are normally found in every room (windows). It allows you to access what you already have or can make changes to (the wall paint) and is not as easily changeable. If the home already has something in place like shutters, then you can see how you can base your furnishings around them based on the colours and materials they are in.

Not Keeping up with the Joneses

Keeping up with the Joneses has been an expression that has been said over the years that means you are trying to keep up with your peers, neighbours and friends. It applies to things like your cars, fashion sense in clothes and yes, your home’s decor. If it is something that you must do, then take into consideration bringing in smart home technology and motorization for your window blinds and shades. Apart from the interior decor they bring for you, the added benefits of convenience, energy efficiency and increased home value make them a no-brainer to want to have.

Keeping up with changes is a life-long task. It applies not only to your home but also to your cars, your work and your family. So making it easy for yourself by getting smart technology now will keep you from wanting to have to make the upgrades down the road. Fashion trends may change, but technology and its benefits will remain and can only be improved upon.

Do you want stay updated you can count on Highend Blinds. Explore the extensive collection of window shades and blinds online, select the best one, get it customized, and install them easily at budget-friendly prices.